Thursday, December 19, 2019

Barry Strausss The Trojan War - 1664 Words

As most know, Greek Mythology is a very complex concept that is free for interpretation and is shown in multiple ways. Many believe Greek Mythology is fiction, whereas some believe that it is nonfiction. As seen in Barry Strauss’s The Trojan War: A New History, the author argues that the Trojan War was significant and then shows evidence from as of late that supports the concept of the Trojan War actually occurring. Throughout his book he explains and gives insight into what happened during the Trojan War and how it developed based off of Homer’s writing. Strauss’s sole purpose is to inspect what was previously said about the Trojan War and evaluate it enough to the point where he is able to make logical reasoning to determine the†¦show more content†¦Once the Greeks finally arrived to their destination in Troy, Operation Beachhead comes into play, which is essentially the first battle in the Trojan War. The Greek’s stability status is significant because they needed a reliable location, which is also known as a camp. As they started reaching ashore, the Trojans were preparing their actions. In fact, the first person to die in the battle was because of King Priam’s son, Hector, who stabbed the first person to set foot on the beach. The King of Troy already had a plan set out in which he wanted to take an approach where the Trojans focus on defense, especially away from the city’s walls. As the plot of the Trojan War continues, Strauss includes the fact that the Greeks did in fact want peace with Troy and they wanted to end the long lasting feud. However, Troy did not have the same thing in mind. When asked, King Priam refused to address the fact that his son Paris humiliated King Menelaus by stealing his wife from him. Moreover, they did not agree to deliver Helen back due to the fact that it would show that they agreed with the fact that taking Helen from Menelaus was not morally correct, which would also lead to a civil war in Troy. Furthermore, Achilles attacked multiple cities in order to take from them because after multiple years of being in a war, the Greeks were gradually losing supplies. After attacking cities, he would tryShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book The Trojan War A New History 1460 Words   |  6 Pages Adrian Olivas September 8, 2015 Classics 40 Mr. Smith 4:00 Berry Strauss’s â€Å"The Trojan War a New History† Book Review Barry Strauss, professor of classics at Cornell University attempts to redefine a one of history’s biggest love affairs, the Trojan War. Strauss explains how certain events and characters from Homers â€Å"The Odyssey† might have actually existed, but also uses modern discoveries from the Bronze Age to compare Homers account to those of Egypt, the Middle East

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